Even though I can't tell half the time if Yarvin is joking or crazy, this is my favorite writing on the internet right now. I wish I could find more with a similar combination of prolific and awesome.

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When he said Mubi subscription I laughed so hard I now have a collapsed lung.

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Talking about books banned by Amazon, I cannot recommend enough “Sexual Utopia in Power” by Roger F. Devlin. No longer sold by Amazon but they didn’t take back my kindle copy purchased before the ban (probably attributable to some suffragette or male soy-fed feminist working for Amazon). The essays collected in this volume are however available for free on the internet and they are barely longer than your average Curtis post. https://www.toqonline.com/archives/v6n2/DevlinTOQV6N2.pdf

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Good read. I wouldn't post such a perfunctory kudos, I'd leave it at the "like," except I've been justifiably scathing about Ch.6 so I owe it to our adept host/author to give a vocal "here here," instead of just only posting my negative comments.

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I have one purely stylistic critique: the italics were overused in this poast and became distracting. I challenge Curtis to write one essay where he only uses italics for foreign words. I have no other substantive criticism at this time.

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See, I think the main problem with Alexander is that he doesn't argue in good faith, rather he argues to manipulate the audience into a certain position. Thus, as much as I like his writing, I won't feel bad when our predatory friends in the press finally decide to finish him off.

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Regarding Coriolanus, you might be interested in this tidbit from the Gray Lady, back in.... 1984: 'Reportedly, a 1930's production in Paris triggered the protests of both Communists and Fascists, each side upset by what it considered offensive propaganda.'

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Getting a bunch of Roman historians, playwrights, and tech bros with fresh Bitcoin stashes does seem the best way to plan the future for society. I will wave a flag at the front.

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A fantastic quick definition of fascism.

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Yes but you see the Romans who rule us:

1. Aren’t Roman, and aren’t really Italian either. Whoop there it is.

2. They can’t run the government unless you mean stealing. No one runs the government, they “preside” over it.!

3. Most importantly the Romans openly march under the banner of “ERASE VOLSCES” and will undoubtedly snarl upon reading point 1 with “WE WILL REPLACE YOU”!!

4. The Volscians have noticed, and as the Architect explained to Neo this never ends well, but they are becoming exceedingly good at it not ending well.

5. The replacements are actually Spanish Fascists, the difference between Spanish Fascism and Italian Fascism is they make it work.

6. We already have the original Romans as servant of the new government, so we have already tried this solution, it led here. What do you think the GOP is anyway? Or the aging white dems?

7. The Volscians are actually most of the country, the rest being Samnites and er non Roman Latin tribes, see point 5 again; and if the WAB can ally in prison with the said Latin representatives what do you think happens in real life?

8. This scheme describes the situation we have now, just with a dreamed of happier outcome because we get some new bosses?

9. The Volscians have some choices and some time but its shrinking, certainly only old people and fools still talk of elections.

10. DC aka Rome has riot fenced and sealed itself off from the commons, guarded by troops who are half deplorable and the other half the sons of Franco, or perhaps nephews. Uncle Frank has kind of a homey ring to it, no?

You want this to end, learn to speak Volscian. Whoever your appealing to has fled DC to the hinterland or is trembling behind the wire, where they’ve thoughtfully placed themselves.

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When I was a lad back in Britland I saw Sir Laurence Olivier playing Coriolanus at Stratford-upon-Avon. Jolly good show, and all.

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"I understand Jones these days is putting most of his energy into the Jewish peril; I don’t remember Slaughter even mentioning us nefarious tricksters of the desert."

Well: anti-Semitism is the fate of the anti-Semites. Whoever will go into that territory has deserved to die in it.

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Instead of a platform it may be more useful for them to create a story. Not a narrative, but a story. For the present and the future.

Maybe too positive for this negative world.

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I wish I could draw some parallels to British politics as I feel it could be of use.

Can anyone recommend a writer half as good as Curtis to me?

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>Coriolanus and the conservatives

Easily my favorite 500 BC Doo Wop group!

On a serious note, in about two sentences this essay has excellent descriptions of both the Tastycrats and the Fingerlicans, and why neither - or a combination - will do any good.

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Any chance you can have the same conversation with Rod Dreher? He seems lost in the same grumpy jobber role as your mysterious trad friend.

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