Yeah, I think there is this kind of like, uncanny valley problem that we have, where the more you have to lose the less likely you are to vocalize opposition to the regime in any sort of public or official forum... until you have so much to lose that your actually just a billionaire or a maniac and you can say whatever you want. So you h…
Yeah, I think there is this kind of like, uncanny valley problem that we have, where the more you have to lose the less likely you are to vocalize opposition to the regime in any sort of public or official forum... until you have so much to lose that your actually just a billionaire or a maniac and you can say whatever you want. So you have this mass of like, based boomers with nothing to lose and then this crowd that adam corolla describes as the "fuck me" money crowd. And everyone else in the middle or upper middle is totally hand cuffed.
You are definitely right that you get like a security through obscurity / strength in numbers / dilution of negative attention thing going on. Like I don't think i'm going to get doxxed posting on this substack for example. But if you can somehow bake profitability into the model of dissident action you have a meme that is robust and strong from a darwinian perspective, but also greatly expands the talent pool from which you can pull the *prince who was larped* . Barring profitability you need anonymity, in my opinion.
I think if you take collective right wing political dissident thought and take away profitability and anonymity you end of with the libertarian party :) Or like, the kekistani people. You know?
I think you need to have a mix of desirability and mystery in order to attract intelligent mavericks. What is more desirable and mysterious than a club for secret money?
Yeah, I think there is this kind of like, uncanny valley problem that we have, where the more you have to lose the less likely you are to vocalize opposition to the regime in any sort of public or official forum... until you have so much to lose that your actually just a billionaire or a maniac and you can say whatever you want. So you have this mass of like, based boomers with nothing to lose and then this crowd that adam corolla describes as the "fuck me" money crowd. And everyone else in the middle or upper middle is totally hand cuffed.
You are definitely right that you get like a security through obscurity / strength in numbers / dilution of negative attention thing going on. Like I don't think i'm going to get doxxed posting on this substack for example. But if you can somehow bake profitability into the model of dissident action you have a meme that is robust and strong from a darwinian perspective, but also greatly expands the talent pool from which you can pull the *prince who was larped* . Barring profitability you need anonymity, in my opinion.
I think if you take collective right wing political dissident thought and take away profitability and anonymity you end of with the libertarian party :) Or like, the kekistani people. You know?
I think you need to have a mix of desirability and mystery in order to attract intelligent mavericks. What is more desirable and mysterious than a club for secret money?