This essay seems so clearly stated that I worry I’ve misunderstood it somehow. It’s also remarkably brief. Is our host feeling OK? :)

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love this combo: "timeless, neutral, absolute, vital and realist," but is disrespecting the Oxford comma the American way?

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The VF article was fucking amazing and it makes me feel like success is possible. That kind of article would have been unimaginable even half a year ago.

Also - I wonder how we can identify each other 'in the wild'. I'd love to assist my fellow Party members should I happen to run into them. Maybe our host can come up with something.

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I too am looking for a subtle marker. But I can't even get a high five for wearing my Dark Horse podcast shirt in public, for a year now, not one recognition, and that's far less obscure than NRx.

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How about a Butterfly lapel (who has those anymore?) pin, t-shirt, auto bumper sticker, yard sign (currently in the garden centers at Home Depot/ Lowes). Should the butterfly be carrying an AR-15 a-la the US Navy Sea Bees logo (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/69/a3/ee/69a3eedea7b0a776dccaf8d1af5f2459.jpg)? We could call it a MoldBUG ...I'll stop now, I'm getting carried away.

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The way to do that properly is with great subtlety. For example, I made a t-shirt for myself with a take on an obscure foreign language phrase that would be known and perhaps humorous to you, but would be meaningless to most people and really not particularly inflammatory to anyone.

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Curtis is one of the very few that cuts through the BS to analyze the realities and dynamics of political power. Fostering a techno-Jacobite takeover of the Federal Government via the next strong man president may not be the only solution to destroy and replace the Cathedral. Big Brother could be weakened and possibly slain via decentralization and/or secession.

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Secession/exit is COPE. It didn’t work a century and a half ago and it won’t work now.

The progressive attitude towards independence is rather Sith-like; regimes are considered “independent” insofar as they move towards the American sphere of influence, and “rebels” or “insurrectionists” if they don’t.

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“COPE is an acronym that stands for the construction, occupancy, protection and exposure characteristics of a property.” not sure this helps. Or do you mean something else by COPE?

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cope is internet slang for coping mechanism/self-delusion

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let's not throw "techno" around recklessly. The principle of vitalism outlined here is anti-technocratic in a certain way. What else it technocracy but rule by "political statistics"?

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Tell you what. The Vanity Fair article is suggesting that the "new right" or "deep right" or whatever is becoming cool for the fashionistas. Manhattan It Girls are starting to climb aboard.

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I don't get some of the claims there but they make more sense as NY scene kid confabulation than the truth

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The neutrality point gets at a core debate. Some people seem to be taking an inverted Marxist line that the masses of flyover country are a superior class who will rise to power in this whigish way, always ignore that decline has been all encompassing and definitely includes fly over country, and think that simply following this class will lead to some sort of successful revolution or even succession. It’s just not truly ambitious enough to work as it doesn’t seek to overcome factionalism. It’s too much milosivic not enough tito or too much grachii not enough Caesar

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"Not only does the deep right have no position in the red-state/blue-state American culture war, its members are (like me) more likely to have a blue-state background. If we define the indigenous core right as the core right, the deep right has a Coriolanus vibe. We are (mostly) defecting from our own tribe to defend our hereditary enemies." I feel this deeply about my own evolution overtime - from slack GenX lefty libertarian to Deep Right ohh fuck I just nodded my head with something Tucker or JD Vance just said WTF dissonance to it being, now, par for the course...The Tablet article was great and the Vanity Fair article was much much better than I expected and within the longform breezy,entertainment/fashion style VF is known for...

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I wonder if the College of Cardinals is in fact more intellectually diverse than our own dear Cathedral. Are there two figures in the latter who disagree so much as, say, the Pope and Cardinal Burke?

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Show me 5 progs who agree with the idea of living and letting live and this will start to sound interesting. Sincerely, they don’t exist in numbers.

The zeal of the prog to spread the glories of liberation to the oppressed everywhere will tolerate no space in which anyone even voluntarily thinks unofficially reactionary thoughts (reactionary now being anything that was totally normal centrist thought like 5 minutes ago), let alone...gasp...LIVES according to them. I just can’t see any kind of unity of jenseits red and blue being achieved on the strength of the gentle idea “live and let live” with these people everywhere and so passionately committed to their weird morality.

What am I missing? Maybe I am underestimating the numbers or something. Of course living in deeeeeply blue territory can leave one with an exaggerated sense of the hopelessness of any compromise with these people, which is maybe a bit distorting...

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As a counterpoint, I work for a rare tech firm in blue country with red management and ownership. It is a small enough company that I know everyone personally on at least some level. There is a crazy prog person there who occasionally throws out vague allusions to/complaints about colonialism, capitalism, and the like. But, because the management is openly conservative, they don't push the envelope.

People occasionally allude to prog bromides on Slack and some diversity gets celebrated. No one harangues me about politics all day, posts essay length diatribes on company fora, or inaugurates a regime of HR enforced groupthink. Someone (not me lol) can post a Jordan Peterson link and not get harassed about it. It isn't perfect, but at the end of the day, people will largely live and let live when the regime requires it from them. People at big companies perform insane ideological enforcement and flaunt their left wing ideologies because it benefits them. They get attention, the feeling of power, and possibly even career advancement or opportunities to sue. When you have adults in charge, that can all be curbed. At least, I hope this experience applies more broadly.

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That sort of environment is obviously possible and was the standard expectation only 10-15 years ago. In fact it was so obvious that when the SJW/woke brigade started their first major coups in colleges (see Evergreen State), the assumption by everyone across the political spectrum was "It's ok, once these retards get jobs in the real world, no one will put up with their shit and they'll chill." Then they took over the NFL, for example, just track the long history of Kaepernick to see. They went from ignoring, to banning taking a knee, to excluding the pledge from broadcast, to inviting alternate woke pledge substitutes, to plastering BLM slogans on the field and uniforms, and having full on 10min specials on racism during the pregame show. There are no more adults in the room to spank these children and enforce a live and let live ethic anymore.

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I tend to think people with a foot in both red and blue America are often best poised to see the absurdities and failures of both. I've gone through blue milieus... elite-ish communities, schools, professions but my extended family background is mostly white ethnic urban working class, which wasn't always red but is certainly red by today's standards.

When I was younger I was involved in Republican politics, and I could see that the energy level and fealty among the smart, well educated people was negligible compared to their counterparts on the left. Meanwhile, the rednecks from the swamps were signing up to be poll monitors in the ghetto. It was clear then and it has become clearer now that that model of right wing politics has no shot at victory.

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If VF is warming to you, it probably means what you are saying has no claws. Anointed “cool” is a death door —Moldbug Jeans and GM Craft Brew must surely follow. (Which, if I am following the maestro correctly the past six months, is fine as long as it ushers in our very own Louis the Fat. I won’t cite odds).

It’s all excellent, the plan—I am 72 and can’t afford the billion year timelines of the EA toffs. But I understand the proposed posture and cadence. I see the virtue of invisibility, the wisdom of non-voice and not-quite exit. A nice, neutral insurrection has merit—bloody curls and guillotines are so damned messy (and so vexing when the blood happens to be ours)

Our man Curtis exudes measure, a deep and reassuring probity.

But then, every so often there is that echo, that frisson, that cave memory of the kill. Caesar—Curtis’ friend—Caesar, let us recall, did not break Gaul with a voice vote. Nor did he sport jeans, drink beer or hail the brilliance of his era’s overclass.

Caesar’s cleansing was distinguishable from a Flaubert novel, or a patient bake in the Palo Alto sun. Waiting for the King—Pass the Fritos—Waiting for the King!

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

I am sure a lot was already accomplished by the people alienated from the system. At this point everybody probably figured out that energy should be mostly spent locally and since it will be mostly disconnected, it will be highly redundant, I would still be curious to see. Somehow I doubt that at any point, googling this new label will bring up decent results. Librarianism by steam, right?...

So, if I show you mine, will you show me yours? I deal with narrative theory, gardening theory and the shocking notion that nice things are nice. It tends to be abstract, but I have fun, so, you know... (its free)


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My take on the VF article. The subversive should be aware of subversion. It can be a two way street.

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By that I mean the enemy is capable of subversion too. Folks in Hollywood can talk about an industry that makes you look cool, in order to make you beholden to that industry. Careful.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

Mr. Yarvin, first I would like to say that I can fully support monarchism if I am the monarch, otherwise I'm highly suspicious. Secondly and more seriously, I understand the philosophy behind your new Deep Right paradigm, but I implore the former scientist and engineer in you: there needs to be a fundamental model for monarchism that I (we) can visualize. I'm sure it has to be game theoretic with the right incentive structures, and rules that can't be broken.

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I seriously want to live in this reality.

I really enjoy reading your work.

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So, umm, about that book.

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