It's tricky to troubleshoot this from a comment section in a blog post, but ill take a crack at it. Of course I don't know you, so any guesses I come up with are only guesses and based on personal experience.
1. As I said before, it could be location. I have found the marrying type to be in the outer burbs (I think they call them bedroom…
It's tricky to troubleshoot this from a comment section in a blog post, but ill take a crack at it. Of course I don't know you, so any guesses I come up with are only guesses and based on personal experience.
1. As I said before, it could be location. I have found the marrying type to be in the outer burbs (I think they call them bedroom neighborhoods?), or in rural communities. These girls are not worried about careers or binge sex because there's few careers to be had, and very few hook up spots. On the other hand, I can see many men falling victim to this community as eligible single girls are scooped up pretty quick. Your female friends who keep guys in the friend zone may be evidence of the location problem.
2. Perhaps you're either you're too aggressive or too shy on first dates. Maybe you're too earnest - maybe you treat the date as an interview? My advice is, just have fun! Take her to fun places, order for her, give her an experience. Build sexual tension but don't have sex. Think like a caveman, but behave like a gentleman - if that makes any sense! A lot of women are like 18 wheelers, it takes awhile to get them going. So mundane, "what do you do for work?" Sounds like a job interview and not a fun night out. So learn to be a fun date.
3. Again, confidence. Confidence can be tricky. If you dont have it you can't fake it, too much confidence looks arrogant and a giant red flag to a woman with any sense. If you talk about yourself too much you look like a narcissist - not enough and you look beta or not interested.
4. Broaden all social circles or create new ones. Join a country club or whatever. Even if it's predominantly male, you never know who knows someone. Plus it's something fun to do in your spare time.
5. If you haven't tried it, I actually know several happy marriages from sites like
I have had so many bad experiences with online dating, it could fill a blog. Suffice it to say: I've had such bad luck with dating apps/sites that I've now hired professional consultants to spruce my profile up three times. All three gave up on me.
It's tricky to troubleshoot this from a comment section in a blog post, but ill take a crack at it. Of course I don't know you, so any guesses I come up with are only guesses and based on personal experience.
1. As I said before, it could be location. I have found the marrying type to be in the outer burbs (I think they call them bedroom neighborhoods?), or in rural communities. These girls are not worried about careers or binge sex because there's few careers to be had, and very few hook up spots. On the other hand, I can see many men falling victim to this community as eligible single girls are scooped up pretty quick. Your female friends who keep guys in the friend zone may be evidence of the location problem.
2. Perhaps you're either you're too aggressive or too shy on first dates. Maybe you're too earnest - maybe you treat the date as an interview? My advice is, just have fun! Take her to fun places, order for her, give her an experience. Build sexual tension but don't have sex. Think like a caveman, but behave like a gentleman - if that makes any sense! A lot of women are like 18 wheelers, it takes awhile to get them going. So mundane, "what do you do for work?" Sounds like a job interview and not a fun night out. So learn to be a fun date.
3. Again, confidence. Confidence can be tricky. If you dont have it you can't fake it, too much confidence looks arrogant and a giant red flag to a woman with any sense. If you talk about yourself too much you look like a narcissist - not enough and you look beta or not interested.
4. Broaden all social circles or create new ones. Join a country club or whatever. Even if it's predominantly male, you never know who knows someone. Plus it's something fun to do in your spare time.
5. If you haven't tried it, I actually know several happy marriages from sites like
I hope that helps a little more.
I have had so many bad experiences with online dating, it could fill a blog. Suffice it to say: I've had such bad luck with dating apps/sites that I've now hired professional consultants to spruce my profile up three times. All three gave up on me.
I'm sorry. 😔To me you seem very sweet. Good luck