Defeatist nonsense: The rural people control the food, the rural people control the highways, the rural people have the guns and the military training. The city people have art, paper money, and web applications.
The real problem with Dobbs is, I don't give two flying fucks if democrats kill their children, inside the womb or outside it:…
Defeatist nonsense: The rural people control the food, the rural people control the highways, the rural people have the guns and the military training. The city people have art, paper money, and web applications.
The real problem with Dobbs is, I don't give two flying fucks if democrats kill their children, inside the womb or outside it: Dobbs is born out of a misguided "love for all humanity" which is the true enemy of the right. In fact, I would give them the power to kill their offspring until they become Republicans.
The fact that Republicans care about Democrat lives, and all the weakness that entails, is the real reason we will lose. We will lose until we view them with as much contempt as they view us. And let them die. Even celebrate it.
Also it’s my sense that for most Dobbs more fulfills a sense that dismantling the legal framework for illegitimate killing is a commandment obligation than it springs from a sense of “love” for the specific unborn child. Is my sense, could be wrong.
And you are the reason we are going to lose. Tell me, does your heart bleed for the Nazi children who died in the bombing of Dresden. I feel more for them, because we have more in common with them, than I do for our political opponents here. But I understand that war is war.
These people hate you. They use you to demonstrate to others their status. They enjoy humiliating you. They enjoy violating your human dignity. They see your children as a weapon to be used against you.
Many people misunderstand the correct concept of love. Love is to do what spiritually benefits and uplifts the fellow man, not necessarily what pleases him, indulges his weaknesses, engenders further sin, etc. to love properly often dictates a great deal of severity, even conflict. But what it isn’t, ever, is twisted hate.
"Tell me, does your heart bleed for the Nazi children who died in the bombing of Dresden. I feel more for them, because we have more in common with them, than I do for our political opponents here."
City people do not have art. They have the post-modernist fecalized substitute to it. Rural people, with the Church as a channel of historical transmission, are exposed to much more real art.
The city people have power - the power and the habit of organizing people under their command. Rural peasants don't have much capacity for much action in 2022. How did the Canadian truck protesters end up? The Yellow Jackets in France?
Owning guns means nothing if you have no appetite for its use. All the militia organizing and jeffersonian rhetoric about the tree of liberty is fake and gay. Something as tame as January 6th was enough to bring down the hammer on the yokels.
For your own sake, let go of this functionally retarded bravado. Your pitchfork is is no danger of being used - it may even be made of wood. Riling up your fellow peasants so some of them may sacrifice themselves in a futile J6th-like event should weigh badly on your conscience.
The peasants will be crushed if it comes to it. Thankfully, it will not come to that since there isn't much energy on either side for a real conflict. It will continue to be fake and gay (Proud Boys vs BLM/antifa).
The Canadian truckers were resolved upon being peaceful. Looks to me like the BLM arsonists did okay. I wonder if there is a lesson to be learned there.
If you think that the outcome from the trucker protest going violent would have resulted in anything other than permanent outright marshal law North Korea style, you do not understand the left or how political violence works.
The system does not fear low level (in the grand scheme of things molotov cocktail-ing a few run down buildings is low level) leftist violence, because leftist mobs are largely composed of useful idiots led by political actors who are in some way associated with the system. It is an unspoken form of negotiation for further incremental leftist games. They are not really a systemic threat (not even Trudeau wants to cede power retarded communists). Right wing violence on the other hand is an *actual* threat to the system, and they know it.
Thus, as Curtis has alluded to before, when it comes to that's one-and-done. You better damn well win the entire war on day 1, or get ready for *actual* gulags (see jan 6).
There is no such thing as permanent tyranny---if men are willing to fight. The only thing that allows tyranny to thrive is cowardice.
And yes, if the Trucker protest had turned violent, the result would have been bad---because that strategy does not merge well with violence. Because the correct strategy is to STARVE liberals to death. Luckily, they have already caged themselves for us---they live in Gulags of their own construction called cities. And we can massacre them there.
No cowardice. No defeatism. And while I don't think the time for violence has yet come, no self-delusion. We win. The right has ALWAYS been better at war. Always.
"The right has ALWAYS been better at war." I would like to see some examples of this because I'm not aware of many from the past two centuries or so.
Our strength lies in our elevation of order as a primary value for society, not wanton violence, that is the tactic of the leftist and it works for him.
Successful right wing reactions are remarkably lacking in bloodshed (Pinochet only had to dispatch a few thousand commies during his reign, and that's if you believe the cooked mainstream numbers). Hitler ruled with chaotic mass violence and unnecessary/counterproductive warfare, and he was in an arguably stronger position to begin with. Compare the results.
We won't win by being impetuous. We bide our time and endure the unjust suffering imposed on us by morally bankrupt 'elites'. Once the commoners have had their fill of living in a broken and degenerate society, we will give them the order they will be begging for, and we won't even have to fight much for it.
No, asshole, I am not going to do your thinking for you. If you are dumb enough to think the left is as good at warfare as the right, if you cannot see how the concepts of duty and orderliness help in a fight, then you are just too fucking stupid to be dealt with. In fact, if you equate war with wanton violence, as you seem to do in your response, then you have already demonstrated just how ignorant you are of military strategy and military history. Orderliness and discipline are force multipliers.
And don't be daft, either, I obviously mean the right is better at war man for man. Yes, a hundred liberals can beat the crap out of the strongest soldier.
Have you ever seen a fight between the proud boys and Antifa? Antifa does not do that well. Yeah, stop fucking around with words and open your eyes. Any example from history where the left won a war against a right wing opponent required the left to have VASTLY LARGER RESOURCES (or it required the conservatives to have become soft and complacent, which is exactly what the American ruling class, our enemies, are).
Franco in Spain. Pinochet in Chile. The US vs. the USSR. Nazi Germany punching well above its weight in WWII (as did the German Empire in WWI). Anywhere the conservatives have had equal resources, they have won. They obviously punch above their weight and the counter-examples you will mention, like Russia vs. the Nazis, will all involve adversaries who had vastly larger resources. Conservatism is a force multiplier and you know it. Indeed, compare the Taliban with the Afghan government.
Go cower in fear of Antifa and a bunch of city dwellers who cannot even feed themselves without us if you want. But keep your specious reasoning, that---by the way---conveniently ignored my other points about land, food, and gender ratios, to yourself.
Powerlessness and impotence really are the only things that nurture such deep seated and visceral resentment. However concrete those advantages may be, until they're effectively utilized by an organization, touting them is only posturing, and posturing is for losers. Predators simply go for the kill.
You will not lose for lack of contempt. Republicans lose because they are weak. They deserve to lose because they are weak. They are the weakest part of an increasingly weak state. The citizenry and ruling class both lack virtue. The ruling class is corrupt, performative, and lazy. The citizenry are no less lazy and too timid to risk upsetting the order of things. The republic is dead and what remains is ceremony. The crew is indolent and won't mutiny - even if they kill the captain, the ship is sinking regardless.
Populists hate to hear that monarchy is the inevitable sequel to dying republics, but it's true. If the citizenry could solve the problem, the problem wouldn't have arisen in the first place. The generations that could sustain a republic are dead. Cynicism and apathy are high. The majority of the population already feels it has lost its voice in government - because it has. Politics is the art of the possible, and monarchy is the only historically validated achievable escape vector. Besides collapse, anyway.
Caring about Republicans or Democrats unironically in current year just means you're still trapped in the past rather than looking to the future.
Why do we "deserve to lose" because we are weak? Women are generally weaker than men. I guess they deserve to be victims of assault by your logic. Yours is Melian Dialogue BS. Deserves and might have nothing to do with each other.
And I listed reasons we are, in fact, strong: Greater military skill and experience, more men (yes, we are literally more male, which has advantages in a conflict), control of the food supply, control of more geographic area, higher non-verbal intelligence and higher average intelligence (the left is bimodal, tons of verbally smart people combined with a lot of morons, very few people who know how to build, engineer, etc. comparatively speaking).
You can insult me. You can engage in all your puffery about monarchy, a system the Russians and Chinese essentially have now and has not made either of them strong (China was on a better track before Xi), but your little discourse is short on facts and long on cliches and talking points stolen from Mr. Yarvin.
Furthermore, we control the defense industry and, more importantly, the energy sector. We are strong.
Tell me, how lazy was the citizenry of Sri Lanka?
Don't insult me again or I won't bother responding to you. I am done trading insults on here with people. People who insult me will be ignored.
"Deserves" has no place in practical reality or contests of sovereignty. The Melian dialogue shows how cruel and unjust power is. Such are the realities of nature - realities that were inflicted by a democracy, mind you, and are still inflicted by all states the power to dominate others. But don't lecture me about how losers don't deserve to lose when you just expounded on the virtues of hating your enemy and celebrating his indiscriminate murder. You're on no moral high ground.
Strength without will is no strength at all. As I said, without any guiding force to actually utilize those strengths, they only exist on paper. They're unrealized potentials.
Both Russia and China have oligarchy. Russia's siloviki and wealthy elite made Putin and can unmake him. Xi doesn't have control of the party - there are too many processes beyond his control, and he is too timid to seize the power to course correct. See: China's property bubble, or their high speed rail, or their generation time bomb. All off these are going to slowly gut China, but the party trundles mindlessly onward, and Xi does nothing. Both of these states are oligarchies painted as monarchies for propaganda value. Granted, both are terrible, because the nobles have nobody who keeps them in line, much like our country, only worse. And how are the tired cliches of democracy and republicanism faring here, really? Where is the virtuous population who should have stepped in generations ago? They're all waiting for someone to do it for them.
We're talking about philosophy of government. There are no new talking points, except as relevant to technology. I "stole" some points from Yarvin just like he "stole" some ideas from Machiavelli and you "stole" ideas from various enlightenment and modern thinkers. It's not a meaningful accusation and it's just an attempt to make me seem intellectually lazy, while only revealing that I bother to read.
The citizenry of Sri Lanka were fighting a civil war until 2009. Violence is in their recent memory. Moreover they have a less decadent and so more vigorous society - struggle is a daily affair and so much easier to contemplate. Being poor, they also had much less to lose. Their present historical circumstances and moment in their historical epicycle is different from our own. Culture flows downstream from circumstances.
Frankly, I'm confused why you're still here at all. I thought you hated Curtis and the rest of us.
If will is the key to strength, how does it make sense for you to post about how weak we are or for Curtis to do so? Unless, of course, staving off a revolution is YOUR GOAL and HIS.
As for my "stole" line: Here is my point, you present no facts in favor of your case, no arguments. Just conclusions. You asserted that the right was weak even though I enumerated exactly why we are strong: Military experience, control of food, control of energy, more doers---fewer talkers.
It is pretty clear that Curtis is anti-Democratic not because he actually hates democracy but because he hates what it will do to his friends if it ever returns to its original state (yes, I know, I really should say Republican system). He is clearly on the side of the establishment---at least, he is on their side in terms of wanting them to go unharmed.
On the other hand, I want them reduced to nothing and America's enemies to be defanged or destroyed. I don't make apologies for China or Russia---or the fucking Democrats.
Because the will isn't there, and the only thing worse than a bloody revolution is a bloody revolution conducted by those without the stomach for rule. I exist between the American ruling class and the subject class. I was born and raised by the rulers, and live among the subjects. The subjects are politically disinterested and more libertarian than anything else. If you want these people to rule, this is a huge cultural hurdle to overcome. Their circumstances are not yet desperate enough to make them personally interested in rule, and they find politics unmotivating and dislike discussing it. So yes, I would rather they not attempt to LARP a modern day revolution until they're either ready to rule, or we have exhausted all other options. For the moment, building inheritor institutions which stand a chance of cultural domination is actually going fairly well, and we're even winning some meaningful cultural victories within major cultural institutions. We're winning the hearts and minds of the youth who see most of the bullshit and tired cliches spouted by our ruling class, and want something real and sincere. If we can skip the civil wars and go straight to Augustus, that would be optimal in my mind. Granted, I also don't see any Augustus, but who noticed Octavian?
I did present facts by way of contrary example. All the things which are true for Sri Lanka and made it work there are not true here and will not work here. Sri Lanka is not a suitable model for the US and its present historical circumstance. If current trends continue for an extended period of time, we COULD get to the level of desperation required for popular insurrection. But that's not desirable, because the foundation of a state should be laid carefully and deliberately, and violent necessity breeds compromise. You only need to look at how the desperation of war established the shaky alliance between Northern and Southern states that eventually culminated in the Civil War and ultimately the death of state identity and autonomy, and the intense corruption of the Gilded Age. As well as economic damage that the South is still technically recovering from, never properly rebuilt due to the sort of bitterness that only a war between kin can foster. War is something we should be ready for, but it shouldn't be something we hope for. It breeds too many desperate and shitty compromises and sets us up for failure later.
Curtis is an elitist, like you'd expect from a monarchist. Obviously he has personal attachments to his class, but I think those play second fiddle to his pragmatic assessment of who will rule and who must rule. The masses do not want to rule, they want to be governed well, and unlike the rest of my class I share their sentiments. I have no personal interest in power. What I believe is important is that the elites be rotated. This happens every couple of generations until the whole ruling structure is so rotten and decayed that necessity dictates it be replaced - which is where we're at, nearing the 300 year expiration date of the average republic. My argument, which I presented in so many words, is that historical circumstances drive culture and human decision making much more than human desires do. This is why historical repetition occurs so frequently. The same animal put in similar situations behaves similarly, and when they can shape their situation, you get behavioral loops. My argument is fundamentally that we're all trapped in broader historical currents that we have almost no control over, and rather than fighting the flow we must work with it. No number of infinitely eloquent Cicero's could save the republic - then or now. Rather than pining for older and better days that cannot return, we need to work with what we have. And it is better that all parties walk away from this satisfied in order to build the foundation of a stable regime.
I apologize for nobody. I only argued that they're oligarchies, not monarchies, which is true. Keep in mind that I'm probably the only other commenter on this blog who is ambivalent (and may even support a little bit) the war in Ukraine. I can tell there are many differences between us, but what I feel is one of the primary differences between you and I is how we view our enemies. I don't need avarice to be motivated. It's a superfluous emotion. If they must be destroyed, then they must be destroyed. But destroying them is a lot of work with very uncertain results, and for that reason is an option of last resort - no matter how much they deserve to suffer.
Yarvin is deliberately inciting us, yet the fear is real.
Sri Lanka;
I know Sri Lanka and its war better than most Americans.
That they got the people of Colombo to riot is truly Amazing. Those people are passive, bear, starving, but it also means the police and military stood aside.
Conversely 🇺🇸That anyone thinks that common Americans especially the 10% of fighting stock have no experience of violence is delusional, never mind how tough and violent urban and rural working class life can be just from Crime. If anyone thinks we lack virtue or morals or honor they are delusional.
In the end we’ll have the Republic back Mr Carroll, more importantly the Federation.
Nothing has really changed from the same situations and conditions of geography and diversity that the Founders faced except its 100 times the population and is Atlantic to Pacific. Diversity; if anyone thinks the English thought the Scots, Irish or Germans were the same race as them please review history.
Religion; the people still have it, the elites do not.
Elites; this has changed from the Founding- ours are cowards- deadliest of their vices to them is their cowardice. They are delusional idiot fops playing government, they’ll not survive their endless betrayals and insults.
The people; at core the same, just leaderless. That is changing.
Of course it is.
PS: don’t blame him for his insults, truly he is of his class, he has learned only how to be either fawning or snide. They really are defective.
King 🤴🏻 is simply another delusional cope of the nastiest and most unpleasant- and collapse at any push- worst imitation ruling class in history.
No Talern its betrayal, not your pop pyschobabble. I took and kept the Oath, and we are all betrayed.
Now tell Mom to bring you another hot pocket so you can LARP as King, one of Yarvin’s many court Jesters, but not one honest fool.
The job actually needs a Mao probably as people like The CY family have left us impotent, coward and idiot Mandarins desperately coasting on inertia and rehashed scams and deceptions of the past. Like the court eunuchs of the Manchu without those pesky Bannermen (you’ve lost us all, as every push from Kabul to Uvalde shows).
So an American Mao it will be, the strongest warlord after a very long sorting march.
BTW the popular notion the Founding generation was more virtuous than us doesn’t really bear close scrutiny, 3% of them were braver than the others (we have at least that now, perhaps 10%) and they certainly had some better leaders, the main differences are women had no say and sin was private not publicized. The myth of the Founders virtue certainly wouldn’t match any Congress after 1776, and is largely a creation of later generations.
Idealism is a luxury of the comfortable not the desperate, all this nonsense is largely a creation of the 20th century due to the wars against Fascism and Communism- and the loss of Christianity without replacement in the elites and Harvard, Yale who still dominate the Commanding Heights.
Whiggery; America went into turmoil the revolt then Independence not because of a failure of Whiggery but a betrayal by the successor government to the ousted Pitt. Washington may have been the Father of his country but Pitt created his Army - Pitt promised an Empire of Liberty to the colonies if they fought the French, and just as importantly offered subsidies to pay for the war which came to 40% of the cost. This promise of full political equality combined with the seed money to start it energized the reluctant colonies to raise and supply, pay armies, TAXES, staff , officer and logistically support colonial militias who fought and won.
Pitt created the colonial systems that became states and the generation of colonial soldiers- that became the United States.
You see the new King didn’t like Pitt and put a Whitehall cipher in charge- who not only dismissed Pitt’s promise of representation but then tried to tax the 40% back! The colonists were already footing 60%.
This is the Revolution- BETRAYAL of the Colonists. Who then took the machine built to fight the French and turned it on the faithless and feckless British.
But at least the British never were idiots enough to betray the British army.
This calls for a celebration, ask mom to bring another hot pocket , Rex Talern 😂
I have no desire to larp as a king, and I said as much in another comment. I want nothing to do with government. I want to live alone, heavily armed, in tranquil isolation.
Yes, I did sneer at FC, because I see those sorts of declarations of "I hate and want to kill people" as useless posturing and cope. Hatred is only a refuge for those too weak to kill out of duty. It's cope because if you're really so hard and badass, why aren't you out there doing it? Why didn't you serve? Why aren't you organizing the revolution? "Heh, I don't have christcuck morality, I'm not *weak*." Anyone who publically needs to state that they hold some belief that makes them strong is just insecure. Strength doesn't come from belief, it comes from action, and if you're strong, you don't need to tell everyone about it. They'll know. So when I see someone publically display weakness and proceed to condescendingly rag on everyone else for being weak - yeah, it gets under my skin. When I read that shit, *my* first thought is of hot pocket eating keyboard warriors, so it's funny to me that you thought the same of my response.
I think we're talking about different types of virtue. Daily life was much more of a struggle in colonial America. There was no instant gratification and you had to work for every meal, often from hunting/raising the animal all the way to putting it on the table - at least for settlers and the impoverished. Police work was less reliable and crime more prevalent, foisting the burden of self defense on the individual. The sort of patience and willingness to do hard or even violent work which necessity bred into people is the virtue I'm referring to. They didn't have a choice but to cultivate those virtues - but my point is that they held them. Too many today lack the patience to even cook a proper meal when they have the time.
Talern- I did serve in war in the US MIL, did things out of duty, and we were betrayed .
I already did my duty.
Our Oaths were monetized by the pretty people in DC (who aren’t of course, its Hollywood for ugly people) then we were used in the Valkyrie remake of Biden’s inauguration.
The good news being that our Oaths abrogated by counterparty treachery sets us free. Well, good news for us.
Hate? Hate is too strong a word, despise isn’t.
But the absolute worst part is the CYs of DC have started something they can’t place in never mind finish.
They’re (DC)!visibly afraid of guns and showed us that, they missed no opportunity to snub or degrade us including not letting us get coffee in their precious little Starbucks at the Capitol Subway- after guarding them all night. These are ☠️ people.
You don’t summon soldiers then show fear, and insult them.
And all they’ll do is start an enormous war and series of wars and probably plan to run (from us ? 😂) and that’s it.
All they have done is nihilism as the last men of history.
Anyway, thanks for the training, combat experience, really cool friends and setting us FREE of our Oaths.
The Geriatric Interlude will not last, after that mischief shall be afoot doing as we will.
You did, but I don't have the sense that FC did. I apologize, my use of the rhetorical "you" wasn't thought through.
My take is that viewing one's enemy as anything other than a human obstacle gives one's enemy an advantage they can exploit - an emotional blind spot. If they can piss me off and get me to do something stupid, I hurt for it. And worse, I might choose to do something stupid all on my own just out of a desire to hurt the enemy, instead of *finishing* the enemy. That's why I see it as superfluous. Focus on the duty, not the feelings. But I also recognize people don't work that way, generally.
If you can resurrect the republic, I'll be pleasantly surprised. I don't know of any republic of comparable size in a comparable state of systemic decay which managed to reconstitute itself. But I would love to be shown an exception. Bella Fortuna.
No need to apologize, I was just clarifying. I don’t hate them, I understand them.
As for soldiers we know we must fight and await only leadership. It will likely come.
That is our business, anyone wanting a choice on that has to make our choices, we will trust none but our own. You must be us, you must accept your death, you must accept you have to kill.
That’s our problem, we alone.
To return to governance; Lets understand the government we’ve got;
“Not my Department.”
We’ve all heard that phrase, we are now governed by such.
That’s the awful truth.
The reason the Progressive Technocracy must be thrown down is not bad governance, its no government at all.
The Progressives hollowed out and overthrew King Republic and ...didn’t replace The Republic.
No one took responsibility.
If the King is to be a puppet then there must be a Regent- there’s no Regent. There’s no Council.
There is a discussion on a different forum, which I won't link to, that there are different police departments and different army units. And they interpret the Oath to the Constitution and what "loyalty to the American people" means very differently.
The operative quote from DC mission by SGM to Gov Murfy
“Wait, I didn’t swear an Oath to you.”
Here’s my differentiation;
My Oath is abrogated by counter-party treachery and I am FREE”
Why I was a slave it seems from 1986 until 1/20/21.
But no one swore to any person or party- but the Dems in DC DID NOT PROCESS that. Not that it stopped them from abusing and insulting us, they know no other way.
That trickery into Treason even as Dupe will not work again.
If a leader rises its over fast.
The correlation of forces did not commend force as a viable solution- but desperately flailing they summoned DOD (who declined) then the unfortunate National Guardsmen who responded *
Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat. The gods made them mad with fear ...madness it was.
*given 26 in my platoon of 21 green virgins and 5 salts like myself I came, shamefully.
A shame I will erase given a chance. That’s also the last hostages I’ll ever let be taken.
Defeatist nonsense: The rural people control the food, the rural people control the highways, the rural people have the guns and the military training. The city people have art, paper money, and web applications.
The real problem with Dobbs is, I don't give two flying fucks if democrats kill their children, inside the womb or outside it: Dobbs is born out of a misguided "love for all humanity" which is the true enemy of the right. In fact, I would give them the power to kill their offspring until they become Republicans.
The fact that Republicans care about Democrat lives, and all the weakness that entails, is the real reason we will lose. We will lose until we view them with as much contempt as they view us. And let them die. Even celebrate it.
you are a sick, sick man.
Also it’s my sense that for most Dobbs more fulfills a sense that dismantling the legal framework for illegitimate killing is a commandment obligation than it springs from a sense of “love” for the specific unborn child. Is my sense, could be wrong.
And you are the reason we are going to lose. Tell me, does your heart bleed for the Nazi children who died in the bombing of Dresden. I feel more for them, because we have more in common with them, than I do for our political opponents here. But I understand that war is war.
These people hate you. They use you to demonstrate to others their status. They enjoy humiliating you. They enjoy violating your human dignity. They see your children as a weapon to be used against you.
But you follow Jesus and love them all the same.
Many people misunderstand the correct concept of love. Love is to do what spiritually benefits and uplifts the fellow man, not necessarily what pleases him, indulges his weaknesses, engenders further sin, etc. to love properly often dictates a great deal of severity, even conflict. But what it isn’t, ever, is twisted hate.
The idea of "Nazi children" rather than "children of Nazis" is the big problem here.
War is war .
"Tell me, does your heart bleed for the Nazi children who died in the bombing of Dresden. I feel more for them, because we have more in common with them, than I do for our political opponents here."
keep posting lmao
City people do not have art. They have the post-modernist fecalized substitute to it. Rural people, with the Church as a channel of historical transmission, are exposed to much more real art.
The city people have power - the power and the habit of organizing people under their command. Rural peasants don't have much capacity for much action in 2022. How did the Canadian truck protesters end up? The Yellow Jackets in France?
Owning guns means nothing if you have no appetite for its use. All the militia organizing and jeffersonian rhetoric about the tree of liberty is fake and gay. Something as tame as January 6th was enough to bring down the hammer on the yokels.
For your own sake, let go of this functionally retarded bravado. Your pitchfork is is no danger of being used - it may even be made of wood. Riling up your fellow peasants so some of them may sacrifice themselves in a futile J6th-like event should weigh badly on your conscience.
The peasants will be crushed if it comes to it. Thankfully, it will not come to that since there isn't much energy on either side for a real conflict. It will continue to be fake and gay (Proud Boys vs BLM/antifa).
The Canadian truckers were resolved upon being peaceful. Looks to me like the BLM arsonists did okay. I wonder if there is a lesson to be learned there.
If you think that the outcome from the trucker protest going violent would have resulted in anything other than permanent outright marshal law North Korea style, you do not understand the left or how political violence works.
The system does not fear low level (in the grand scheme of things molotov cocktail-ing a few run down buildings is low level) leftist violence, because leftist mobs are largely composed of useful idiots led by political actors who are in some way associated with the system. It is an unspoken form of negotiation for further incremental leftist games. They are not really a systemic threat (not even Trudeau wants to cede power retarded communists). Right wing violence on the other hand is an *actual* threat to the system, and they know it.
Thus, as Curtis has alluded to before, when it comes to that's one-and-done. You better damn well win the entire war on day 1, or get ready for *actual* gulags (see jan 6).
There is no such thing as permanent tyranny---if men are willing to fight. The only thing that allows tyranny to thrive is cowardice.
And yes, if the Trucker protest had turned violent, the result would have been bad---because that strategy does not merge well with violence. Because the correct strategy is to STARVE liberals to death. Luckily, they have already caged themselves for us---they live in Gulags of their own construction called cities. And we can massacre them there.
No cowardice. No defeatism. And while I don't think the time for violence has yet come, no self-delusion. We win. The right has ALWAYS been better at war. Always.
"The right has ALWAYS been better at war." I would like to see some examples of this because I'm not aware of many from the past two centuries or so.
Our strength lies in our elevation of order as a primary value for society, not wanton violence, that is the tactic of the leftist and it works for him.
Successful right wing reactions are remarkably lacking in bloodshed (Pinochet only had to dispatch a few thousand commies during his reign, and that's if you believe the cooked mainstream numbers). Hitler ruled with chaotic mass violence and unnecessary/counterproductive warfare, and he was in an arguably stronger position to begin with. Compare the results.
We won't win by being impetuous. We bide our time and endure the unjust suffering imposed on us by morally bankrupt 'elites'. Once the commoners have had their fill of living in a broken and degenerate society, we will give them the order they will be begging for, and we won't even have to fight much for it.
No, asshole, I am not going to do your thinking for you. If you are dumb enough to think the left is as good at warfare as the right, if you cannot see how the concepts of duty and orderliness help in a fight, then you are just too fucking stupid to be dealt with. In fact, if you equate war with wanton violence, as you seem to do in your response, then you have already demonstrated just how ignorant you are of military strategy and military history. Orderliness and discipline are force multipliers.
And don't be daft, either, I obviously mean the right is better at war man for man. Yes, a hundred liberals can beat the crap out of the strongest soldier.
Have you ever seen a fight between the proud boys and Antifa? Antifa does not do that well. Yeah, stop fucking around with words and open your eyes. Any example from history where the left won a war against a right wing opponent required the left to have VASTLY LARGER RESOURCES (or it required the conservatives to have become soft and complacent, which is exactly what the American ruling class, our enemies, are).
Franco in Spain. Pinochet in Chile. The US vs. the USSR. Nazi Germany punching well above its weight in WWII (as did the German Empire in WWI). Anywhere the conservatives have had equal resources, they have won. They obviously punch above their weight and the counter-examples you will mention, like Russia vs. the Nazis, will all involve adversaries who had vastly larger resources. Conservatism is a force multiplier and you know it. Indeed, compare the Taliban with the Afghan government.
Go cower in fear of Antifa and a bunch of city dwellers who cannot even feed themselves without us if you want. But keep your specious reasoning, that---by the way---conveniently ignored my other points about land, food, and gender ratios, to yourself.
Powerlessness and impotence really are the only things that nurture such deep seated and visceral resentment. However concrete those advantages may be, until they're effectively utilized by an organization, touting them is only posturing, and posturing is for losers. Predators simply go for the kill.
You will not lose for lack of contempt. Republicans lose because they are weak. They deserve to lose because they are weak. They are the weakest part of an increasingly weak state. The citizenry and ruling class both lack virtue. The ruling class is corrupt, performative, and lazy. The citizenry are no less lazy and too timid to risk upsetting the order of things. The republic is dead and what remains is ceremony. The crew is indolent and won't mutiny - even if they kill the captain, the ship is sinking regardless.
Populists hate to hear that monarchy is the inevitable sequel to dying republics, but it's true. If the citizenry could solve the problem, the problem wouldn't have arisen in the first place. The generations that could sustain a republic are dead. Cynicism and apathy are high. The majority of the population already feels it has lost its voice in government - because it has. Politics is the art of the possible, and monarchy is the only historically validated achievable escape vector. Besides collapse, anyway.
Caring about Republicans or Democrats unironically in current year just means you're still trapped in the past rather than looking to the future.
Why do we "deserve to lose" because we are weak? Women are generally weaker than men. I guess they deserve to be victims of assault by your logic. Yours is Melian Dialogue BS. Deserves and might have nothing to do with each other.
And I listed reasons we are, in fact, strong: Greater military skill and experience, more men (yes, we are literally more male, which has advantages in a conflict), control of the food supply, control of more geographic area, higher non-verbal intelligence and higher average intelligence (the left is bimodal, tons of verbally smart people combined with a lot of morons, very few people who know how to build, engineer, etc. comparatively speaking).
You can insult me. You can engage in all your puffery about monarchy, a system the Russians and Chinese essentially have now and has not made either of them strong (China was on a better track before Xi), but your little discourse is short on facts and long on cliches and talking points stolen from Mr. Yarvin.
Furthermore, we control the defense industry and, more importantly, the energy sector. We are strong.
Tell me, how lazy was the citizenry of Sri Lanka?
Don't insult me again or I won't bother responding to you. I am done trading insults on here with people. People who insult me will be ignored.
"Deserves" has no place in practical reality or contests of sovereignty. The Melian dialogue shows how cruel and unjust power is. Such are the realities of nature - realities that were inflicted by a democracy, mind you, and are still inflicted by all states the power to dominate others. But don't lecture me about how losers don't deserve to lose when you just expounded on the virtues of hating your enemy and celebrating his indiscriminate murder. You're on no moral high ground.
Strength without will is no strength at all. As I said, without any guiding force to actually utilize those strengths, they only exist on paper. They're unrealized potentials.
Both Russia and China have oligarchy. Russia's siloviki and wealthy elite made Putin and can unmake him. Xi doesn't have control of the party - there are too many processes beyond his control, and he is too timid to seize the power to course correct. See: China's property bubble, or their high speed rail, or their generation time bomb. All off these are going to slowly gut China, but the party trundles mindlessly onward, and Xi does nothing. Both of these states are oligarchies painted as monarchies for propaganda value. Granted, both are terrible, because the nobles have nobody who keeps them in line, much like our country, only worse. And how are the tired cliches of democracy and republicanism faring here, really? Where is the virtuous population who should have stepped in generations ago? They're all waiting for someone to do it for them.
We're talking about philosophy of government. There are no new talking points, except as relevant to technology. I "stole" some points from Yarvin just like he "stole" some ideas from Machiavelli and you "stole" ideas from various enlightenment and modern thinkers. It's not a meaningful accusation and it's just an attempt to make me seem intellectually lazy, while only revealing that I bother to read.
The citizenry of Sri Lanka were fighting a civil war until 2009. Violence is in their recent memory. Moreover they have a less decadent and so more vigorous society - struggle is a daily affair and so much easier to contemplate. Being poor, they also had much less to lose. Their present historical circumstances and moment in their historical epicycle is different from our own. Culture flows downstream from circumstances.
Frankly, I'm confused why you're still here at all. I thought you hated Curtis and the rest of us.
If will is the key to strength, how does it make sense for you to post about how weak we are or for Curtis to do so? Unless, of course, staving off a revolution is YOUR GOAL and HIS.
As for my "stole" line: Here is my point, you present no facts in favor of your case, no arguments. Just conclusions. You asserted that the right was weak even though I enumerated exactly why we are strong: Military experience, control of food, control of energy, more doers---fewer talkers.
It is pretty clear that Curtis is anti-Democratic not because he actually hates democracy but because he hates what it will do to his friends if it ever returns to its original state (yes, I know, I really should say Republican system). He is clearly on the side of the establishment---at least, he is on their side in terms of wanting them to go unharmed.
On the other hand, I want them reduced to nothing and America's enemies to be defanged or destroyed. I don't make apologies for China or Russia---or the fucking Democrats.
Because the will isn't there, and the only thing worse than a bloody revolution is a bloody revolution conducted by those without the stomach for rule. I exist between the American ruling class and the subject class. I was born and raised by the rulers, and live among the subjects. The subjects are politically disinterested and more libertarian than anything else. If you want these people to rule, this is a huge cultural hurdle to overcome. Their circumstances are not yet desperate enough to make them personally interested in rule, and they find politics unmotivating and dislike discussing it. So yes, I would rather they not attempt to LARP a modern day revolution until they're either ready to rule, or we have exhausted all other options. For the moment, building inheritor institutions which stand a chance of cultural domination is actually going fairly well, and we're even winning some meaningful cultural victories within major cultural institutions. We're winning the hearts and minds of the youth who see most of the bullshit and tired cliches spouted by our ruling class, and want something real and sincere. If we can skip the civil wars and go straight to Augustus, that would be optimal in my mind. Granted, I also don't see any Augustus, but who noticed Octavian?
I did present facts by way of contrary example. All the things which are true for Sri Lanka and made it work there are not true here and will not work here. Sri Lanka is not a suitable model for the US and its present historical circumstance. If current trends continue for an extended period of time, we COULD get to the level of desperation required for popular insurrection. But that's not desirable, because the foundation of a state should be laid carefully and deliberately, and violent necessity breeds compromise. You only need to look at how the desperation of war established the shaky alliance between Northern and Southern states that eventually culminated in the Civil War and ultimately the death of state identity and autonomy, and the intense corruption of the Gilded Age. As well as economic damage that the South is still technically recovering from, never properly rebuilt due to the sort of bitterness that only a war between kin can foster. War is something we should be ready for, but it shouldn't be something we hope for. It breeds too many desperate and shitty compromises and sets us up for failure later.
Curtis is an elitist, like you'd expect from a monarchist. Obviously he has personal attachments to his class, but I think those play second fiddle to his pragmatic assessment of who will rule and who must rule. The masses do not want to rule, they want to be governed well, and unlike the rest of my class I share their sentiments. I have no personal interest in power. What I believe is important is that the elites be rotated. This happens every couple of generations until the whole ruling structure is so rotten and decayed that necessity dictates it be replaced - which is where we're at, nearing the 300 year expiration date of the average republic. My argument, which I presented in so many words, is that historical circumstances drive culture and human decision making much more than human desires do. This is why historical repetition occurs so frequently. The same animal put in similar situations behaves similarly, and when they can shape their situation, you get behavioral loops. My argument is fundamentally that we're all trapped in broader historical currents that we have almost no control over, and rather than fighting the flow we must work with it. No number of infinitely eloquent Cicero's could save the republic - then or now. Rather than pining for older and better days that cannot return, we need to work with what we have. And it is better that all parties walk away from this satisfied in order to build the foundation of a stable regime.
I apologize for nobody. I only argued that they're oligarchies, not monarchies, which is true. Keep in mind that I'm probably the only other commenter on this blog who is ambivalent (and may even support a little bit) the war in Ukraine. I can tell there are many differences between us, but what I feel is one of the primary differences between you and I is how we view our enemies. I don't need avarice to be motivated. It's a superfluous emotion. If they must be destroyed, then they must be destroyed. But destroying them is a lot of work with very uncertain results, and for that reason is an option of last resort - no matter how much they deserve to suffer.
“If we can skip the civil wars and go straight to Augustus, that would be optimal in my mind.”
NO. Not even if it were possible, if it takes 100 Million 🇺🇸 deaths ☠️ would I forbear the chance to wipe the smug from the faces ...
... who aren’t fit to run anything.
Its worth dying for 😁
Rock on 😂. FC
The elites have nothing now.
Its scared 👽
Yarvin is deliberately inciting us, yet the fear is real.
Sri Lanka;
I know Sri Lanka and its war better than most Americans.
That they got the people of Colombo to riot is truly Amazing. Those people are passive, bear, starving, but it also means the police and military stood aside.
Conversely 🇺🇸That anyone thinks that common Americans especially the 10% of fighting stock have no experience of violence is delusional, never mind how tough and violent urban and rural working class life can be just from Crime. If anyone thinks we lack virtue or morals or honor they are delusional.
In the end we’ll have the Republic back Mr Carroll, more importantly the Federation.
Nothing has really changed from the same situations and conditions of geography and diversity that the Founders faced except its 100 times the population and is Atlantic to Pacific. Diversity; if anyone thinks the English thought the Scots, Irish or Germans were the same race as them please review history.
Religion; the people still have it, the elites do not.
Elites; this has changed from the Founding- ours are cowards- deadliest of their vices to them is their cowardice. They are delusional idiot fops playing government, they’ll not survive their endless betrayals and insults.
The people; at core the same, just leaderless. That is changing.
Of course it is.
PS: don’t blame him for his insults, truly he is of his class, he has learned only how to be either fawning or snide. They really are defective.
King 🤴🏻 is simply another delusional cope of the nastiest and most unpleasant- and collapse at any push- worst imitation ruling class in history.
Only in America.
Talern; 🤡
Curtis is an Op.
this is a an Op.
And Yarvin’s being deliberately hateful to stir us up, and it works.
Mr. Yarvin, like PG Wodehouse in WW2 must say certain things, but the Cretins running things are too idiotic to catch the joke.
Well said Mr Carroll, but lets not lose sight of Yarvin’s ability to incite - and we are all incited, and all to the good.
No Talern its betrayal, not your pop pyschobabble. I took and kept the Oath, and we are all betrayed.
Now tell Mom to bring you another hot pocket so you can LARP as King, one of Yarvin’s many court Jesters, but not one honest fool.
The job actually needs a Mao probably as people like The CY family have left us impotent, coward and idiot Mandarins desperately coasting on inertia and rehashed scams and deceptions of the past. Like the court eunuchs of the Manchu without those pesky Bannermen (you’ve lost us all, as every push from Kabul to Uvalde shows).
So an American Mao it will be, the strongest warlord after a very long sorting march.
BTW the popular notion the Founding generation was more virtuous than us doesn’t really bear close scrutiny, 3% of them were braver than the others (we have at least that now, perhaps 10%) and they certainly had some better leaders, the main differences are women had no say and sin was private not publicized. The myth of the Founders virtue certainly wouldn’t match any Congress after 1776, and is largely a creation of later generations.
Idealism is a luxury of the comfortable not the desperate, all this nonsense is largely a creation of the 20th century due to the wars against Fascism and Communism- and the loss of Christianity without replacement in the elites and Harvard, Yale who still dominate the Commanding Heights.
Whiggery; America went into turmoil the revolt then Independence not because of a failure of Whiggery but a betrayal by the successor government to the ousted Pitt. Washington may have been the Father of his country but Pitt created his Army - Pitt promised an Empire of Liberty to the colonies if they fought the French, and just as importantly offered subsidies to pay for the war which came to 40% of the cost. This promise of full political equality combined with the seed money to start it energized the reluctant colonies to raise and supply, pay armies, TAXES, staff , officer and logistically support colonial militias who fought and won.
Pitt created the colonial systems that became states and the generation of colonial soldiers- that became the United States.
You see the new King didn’t like Pitt and put a Whitehall cipher in charge- who not only dismissed Pitt’s promise of representation but then tried to tax the 40% back! The colonists were already footing 60%.
This is the Revolution- BETRAYAL of the Colonists. Who then took the machine built to fight the French and turned it on the faithless and feckless British.
But at least the British never were idiots enough to betray the British army.
This calls for a celebration, ask mom to bring another hot pocket , Rex Talern 😂
I have no desire to larp as a king, and I said as much in another comment. I want nothing to do with government. I want to live alone, heavily armed, in tranquil isolation.
Yes, I did sneer at FC, because I see those sorts of declarations of "I hate and want to kill people" as useless posturing and cope. Hatred is only a refuge for those too weak to kill out of duty. It's cope because if you're really so hard and badass, why aren't you out there doing it? Why didn't you serve? Why aren't you organizing the revolution? "Heh, I don't have christcuck morality, I'm not *weak*." Anyone who publically needs to state that they hold some belief that makes them strong is just insecure. Strength doesn't come from belief, it comes from action, and if you're strong, you don't need to tell everyone about it. They'll know. So when I see someone publically display weakness and proceed to condescendingly rag on everyone else for being weak - yeah, it gets under my skin. When I read that shit, *my* first thought is of hot pocket eating keyboard warriors, so it's funny to me that you thought the same of my response.
I think we're talking about different types of virtue. Daily life was much more of a struggle in colonial America. There was no instant gratification and you had to work for every meal, often from hunting/raising the animal all the way to putting it on the table - at least for settlers and the impoverished. Police work was less reliable and crime more prevalent, foisting the burden of self defense on the individual. The sort of patience and willingness to do hard or even violent work which necessity bred into people is the virtue I'm referring to. They didn't have a choice but to cultivate those virtues - but my point is that they held them. Too many today lack the patience to even cook a proper meal when they have the time.
As an aside, I don't eat hot pockets.
Talern- I did serve in war in the US MIL, did things out of duty, and we were betrayed .
I already did my duty.
Our Oaths were monetized by the pretty people in DC (who aren’t of course, its Hollywood for ugly people) then we were used in the Valkyrie remake of Biden’s inauguration.
The good news being that our Oaths abrogated by counterparty treachery sets us free. Well, good news for us.
Hate? Hate is too strong a word, despise isn’t.
But the absolute worst part is the CYs of DC have started something they can’t place in never mind finish.
They’re (DC)!visibly afraid of guns and showed us that, they missed no opportunity to snub or degrade us including not letting us get coffee in their precious little Starbucks at the Capitol Subway- after guarding them all night. These are ☠️ people.
You don’t summon soldiers then show fear, and insult them.
And all they’ll do is start an enormous war and series of wars and probably plan to run (from us ? 😂) and that’s it.
All they have done is nihilism as the last men of history.
Anyway, thanks for the training, combat experience, really cool friends and setting us FREE of our Oaths.
The Geriatric Interlude will not last, after that mischief shall be afoot doing as we will.
Bella Fortuna.
You did, but I don't have the sense that FC did. I apologize, my use of the rhetorical "you" wasn't thought through.
My take is that viewing one's enemy as anything other than a human obstacle gives one's enemy an advantage they can exploit - an emotional blind spot. If they can piss me off and get me to do something stupid, I hurt for it. And worse, I might choose to do something stupid all on my own just out of a desire to hurt the enemy, instead of *finishing* the enemy. That's why I see it as superfluous. Focus on the duty, not the feelings. But I also recognize people don't work that way, generally.
If you can resurrect the republic, I'll be pleasantly surprised. I don't know of any republic of comparable size in a comparable state of systemic decay which managed to reconstitute itself. But I would love to be shown an exception. Bella Fortuna.
No need to apologize, I was just clarifying. I don’t hate them, I understand them.
As for soldiers we know we must fight and await only leadership. It will likely come.
That is our business, anyone wanting a choice on that has to make our choices, we will trust none but our own. You must be us, you must accept your death, you must accept you have to kill.
That’s our problem, we alone.
To return to governance; Lets understand the government we’ve got;
“Not my Department.”
We’ve all heard that phrase, we are now governed by such.
That’s the awful truth.
The reason the Progressive Technocracy must be thrown down is not bad governance, its no government at all.
The Progressives hollowed out and overthrew King Republic and ...didn’t replace The Republic.
No one took responsibility.
If the King is to be a puppet then there must be a Regent- there’s no Regent. There’s no Council.
No Cabinet. No Politburo.
There’s a vacuum.
The vacuum must be filled.
It will be, by who or what unknown.
>The rural people...
Unfortunately, the historical record of peasant revolts is not on the side of the peasants
By peasants he and they mean commoners, not strictly farmers.
Also Rural is also suburbia.
But the soldiers and police and for that matter mercs all are “peasant “ stock. Our Oath was to the Constitution, our loyalty to the American people.
The Elites are alone.
>our oath ... The Elites are alone.
There is a discussion on a different forum, which I won't link to, that there are different police departments and different army units. And they interpret the Oath to the Constitution and what "loyalty to the American people" means very differently.
Do link to those forums!
The operative quote from DC mission by SGM to Gov Murfy
“Wait, I didn’t swear an Oath to you.”
Here’s my differentiation;
My Oath is abrogated by counter-party treachery and I am FREE”
Why I was a slave it seems from 1986 until 1/20/21.
But no one swore to any person or party- but the Dems in DC DID NOT PROCESS that. Not that it stopped them from abusing and insulting us, they know no other way.
That trickery into Treason even as Dupe will not work again.
If a leader rises its over fast.
The correlation of forces did not commend force as a viable solution- but desperately flailing they summoned DOD (who declined) then the unfortunate National Guardsmen who responded *
Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat. The gods made them mad with fear ...madness it was.
*given 26 in my platoon of 21 green virgins and 5 salts like myself I came, shamefully.
A shame I will erase given a chance. That’s also the last hostages I’ll ever let be taken.
Do link to those Oath forums.
I want to free my Brothers.
We are FREE, the freest men in America.
The elites have their clients and their institutions.
And habits of power.
Not even all the 'elites' are elite!
>In the 2016 United States presidential election, California whites voted against Donald Trump by a 5 percentage point margin.
I'd say 'wake up' but there's not much of a possibility of that if you believe this in 2022.
Dear we are awake, thats why they’re frightened and why Congress ran
Yes but here’s the bad part for Team Rivendell (😂🤡)
Dobbs says you can’t magically breathe powers and rights from nothing into life ….this unravels the entire 20th century government legitimacy.
Next thing you know the P@pists will be looking at Humphreys Executors…