The reaction so far is positively tranquil, at least compared with the riots of 2020. No 'Color Revolution' for the feminists. What aspect of the SJW cult needs to be trashed next? I'd suggest that an ambitious DA or state governor should get community services to go after a parent who takes a young child to a drag show or, better yet,…
The reaction so far is positively tranquil, at least compared with the riots of 2020. No 'Color Revolution' for the feminists. What aspect of the SJW cult needs to be trashed next? I'd suggest that an ambitious DA or state governor should get community services to go after a parent who takes a young child to a drag show or, better yet, prosecute a surgeon for injuring a minor through gender reassignment. They still have chain-gangs in Florida, right? There's plenty of work that needs to get done! The best part of any victory is to see the enemy in chains.
Floridian here, and I do not want to see DeSantis go after doctors or parents for transitioning kids. While I recognize the sheer immorality of what they're doing to those confused kids, I remember that leftists beget leftists, so if the leftists want to sterilize their kids and end their bloodlines, go for it. It's a long-term demographic win. Beyond that, there's probably a significant overlap in trans support and climate alarmism, so their saving the planet, right.
We have to go after them or it’s everyone’s kids. The slippery slope is the abyss as we have seen.
DeSantis is a lawyer and he moves at legal system speed only after his bases covered (he won’t work out in war BTW).
At that speed all the Lefts kids will be sterilized, but relax the pressure they’ll not only castrate but have Drag Queens pulling a train on the kids in the name of equity.
Remember always; they want you dead, they want your children raped, and they think its funny.
It's not my kids while I'm alive, so it's not everyone's kids. Actually, I don't have kids, but it won't be my partner's grandkids, or my nieces and nephews, in as much as I am able to prevent it without exercising (or delegating) force.
I do remember that they want not only me, but my way of life and all of the beliefs I hold, dead, and I accept their challenge.
It is way more than a matter of fun. It is an assault on the morale and well-being of the current and future helotry. A license for gratuitous cruelty is a reward provided by the system to those it needs to motivate.
Such a license binds ruler and henchmen together, giving the latter a taste of the thrill to be had from the exercise of power at the expense of the psychic health of others. It consolidates a constituency that supports the regime by actively victimising others and fortifying the passivity and obedience of the masses to norms that are imposed upon us from above.
The exercise of this license coarsens us all. Because it is a socially supported phenomenon, licensed gratuitous cruelty implicates us all. Our response to the mock-therapeutic sexual abuse of minors functions as a test of our loyalty to the regime.
Gimpy, I wish that I could share your sang froid on this, but I don't. For starters, the welfare of children is not wholly the responsibility of the parents. No genuine community (or group aspiring to form or sustain anything like a community) can tolerate the gross abuse of minors. A community that tolerated medically unnecessary surgical or chemical castration or hysterectomy on minors deserves no respect or loyalty whatsoever. Tolerance for anything like it forms depraved indifference on a mind-blowing scale. The practice of such cruelties demoralises and demeans everyone who is not borderline insane.
Furthermore, kids react to their parents example. A friend of mine once observed a pair of lesbians in a store trying to push some gender-fluid bullshit on their very young daughter. She wanted something girly and they wanted something gender neutral. The young girl was livid with rage and clearly very frustrated by her two mommies. My friend, the canniest guy I have ever met, gleefully predicted that the real push-back against this sinister nonsense would come from those directly effected by it. Such is the way of the world. The kids of hippies make ferociously tough-minded and ultrarealistic types...the kids who survive glitter families or related stuff will be truly ferocious biological realists...ultra-based.
Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret: you may drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will return (Horace). We have reality on our side, but we should not be complacent.
Finally, putting a few of these physicians and social workers on trial would be a demonstration of power and resolve and would mobilise parents around an issue of existential significance even more potent than abortion. It would focus public attention on the malice of the forces arraigned against them and expose the judicial system to extraordinary pressure. The courts derive their legitimacy from public opinion and they, as much as the physicians involved, would be on trial. It would force the usual suspects to defend the indefensible. It would also provide a very useful test for the politicians. If elected officials won't fight like hell on something as truly obscene and life-denying as this, why bother with them at all?
I like fulfilling wishes, so let's see if I can find a framing to help you see it my way. (It may help to know that I'm an an-cap, perhaps out of place here, but one must stay abreast of various positions.)
Consider Curtis's recent post about effective altruism, specifically the heatmap. The lesbians in your anecdote probably view people as destroyers of the world anyway, and since they care more about the planet than they do about their child, they're perfectly willing to sacrifice that child to their petty gods. And they're willing to abdicate the power that their sovereignty creates to the highest governmental level they can conceive so that their goals for the universe might be realized.
I am willing to allow others to destroy their children because I refuse to cede to any government the power to decide what I do with my children. Respect for that same right in others allows my blood to run cold while my heart rends for those poor children.
Yours is a perfectly valid perspective. Ceding rights of any kind to the state is a fool's game. Nietzsche was spot on when he wrote that the state is the coldest of all cold monsters.
Respect be damned, I am just trying to be practical. We will know that we are winning when the opportunists and moral cowards decide that is in their interest to back whatever is left of sanity and decency. Prosecuting physicians who sterilise healthy children is not a test of individual character, it should be a matter of course. The courts are a vital political arena that is being neglected. There is real potential in putting a few freak-enablers on trial before a Red state jury.
The reaction so far is positively tranquil, at least compared with the riots of 2020. No 'Color Revolution' for the feminists. What aspect of the SJW cult needs to be trashed next? I'd suggest that an ambitious DA or state governor should get community services to go after a parent who takes a young child to a drag show or, better yet, prosecute a surgeon for injuring a minor through gender reassignment. They still have chain-gangs in Florida, right? There's plenty of work that needs to get done! The best part of any victory is to see the enemy in chains.
Floridian here, and I do not want to see DeSantis go after doctors or parents for transitioning kids. While I recognize the sheer immorality of what they're doing to those confused kids, I remember that leftists beget leftists, so if the leftists want to sterilize their kids and end their bloodlines, go for it. It's a long-term demographic win. Beyond that, there's probably a significant overlap in trans support and climate alarmism, so their saving the planet, right.
Ruthless but effective to a point.
We have to go after them or it’s everyone’s kids. The slippery slope is the abyss as we have seen.
DeSantis is a lawyer and he moves at legal system speed only after his bases covered (he won’t work out in war BTW).
At that speed all the Lefts kids will be sterilized, but relax the pressure they’ll not only castrate but have Drag Queens pulling a train on the kids in the name of equity.
Remember always; they want you dead, they want your children raped, and they think its funny.
It's not my kids while I'm alive, so it's not everyone's kids. Actually, I don't have kids, but it won't be my partner's grandkids, or my nieces and nephews, in as much as I am able to prevent it without exercising (or delegating) force.
I do remember that they want not only me, but my way of life and all of the beliefs I hold, dead, and I accept their challenge.
It is way more than a matter of fun. It is an assault on the morale and well-being of the current and future helotry. A license for gratuitous cruelty is a reward provided by the system to those it needs to motivate.
Such a license binds ruler and henchmen together, giving the latter a taste of the thrill to be had from the exercise of power at the expense of the psychic health of others. It consolidates a constituency that supports the regime by actively victimising others and fortifying the passivity and obedience of the masses to norms that are imposed upon us from above.
The exercise of this license coarsens us all. Because it is a socially supported phenomenon, licensed gratuitous cruelty implicates us all. Our response to the mock-therapeutic sexual abuse of minors functions as a test of our loyalty to the regime.
Gimpy, I wish that I could share your sang froid on this, but I don't. For starters, the welfare of children is not wholly the responsibility of the parents. No genuine community (or group aspiring to form or sustain anything like a community) can tolerate the gross abuse of minors. A community that tolerated medically unnecessary surgical or chemical castration or hysterectomy on minors deserves no respect or loyalty whatsoever. Tolerance for anything like it forms depraved indifference on a mind-blowing scale. The practice of such cruelties demoralises and demeans everyone who is not borderline insane.
Furthermore, kids react to their parents example. A friend of mine once observed a pair of lesbians in a store trying to push some gender-fluid bullshit on their very young daughter. She wanted something girly and they wanted something gender neutral. The young girl was livid with rage and clearly very frustrated by her two mommies. My friend, the canniest guy I have ever met, gleefully predicted that the real push-back against this sinister nonsense would come from those directly effected by it. Such is the way of the world. The kids of hippies make ferociously tough-minded and ultrarealistic types...the kids who survive glitter families or related stuff will be truly ferocious biological realists...ultra-based.
Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret: you may drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will return (Horace). We have reality on our side, but we should not be complacent.
Finally, putting a few of these physicians and social workers on trial would be a demonstration of power and resolve and would mobilise parents around an issue of existential significance even more potent than abortion. It would focus public attention on the malice of the forces arraigned against them and expose the judicial system to extraordinary pressure. The courts derive their legitimacy from public opinion and they, as much as the physicians involved, would be on trial. It would force the usual suspects to defend the indefensible. It would also provide a very useful test for the politicians. If elected officials won't fight like hell on something as truly obscene and life-denying as this, why bother with them at all?
I like fulfilling wishes, so let's see if I can find a framing to help you see it my way. (It may help to know that I'm an an-cap, perhaps out of place here, but one must stay abreast of various positions.)
Consider Curtis's recent post about effective altruism, specifically the heatmap. The lesbians in your anecdote probably view people as destroyers of the world anyway, and since they care more about the planet than they do about their child, they're perfectly willing to sacrifice that child to their petty gods. And they're willing to abdicate the power that their sovereignty creates to the highest governmental level they can conceive so that their goals for the universe might be realized.
I am willing to allow others to destroy their children because I refuse to cede to any government the power to decide what I do with my children. Respect for that same right in others allows my blood to run cold while my heart rends for those poor children.
Yours is a perfectly valid perspective. Ceding rights of any kind to the state is a fool's game. Nietzsche was spot on when he wrote that the state is the coldest of all cold monsters.
Yes don’t fight back works only for the predator.
Predators as opposed to aggressor. Pure Predators are cowards, see real wolves or jackals.
Or baying hyenas.
A decent or practical aggressor will respect and have use for the ones who fight back.
Respect be damned, I am just trying to be practical. We will know that we are winning when the opportunists and moral cowards decide that is in their interest to back whatever is left of sanity and decency. Prosecuting physicians who sterilise healthy children is not a test of individual character, it should be a matter of course. The courts are a vital political arena that is being neglected. There is real potential in putting a few freak-enablers on trial before a Red state jury.
I agree.
I answered elsewhere-
The board moved with Dobbs